Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Special Observer in Singapore General Hospital, an experience

hello. this is my first posting after so long holiday (re: 3 years off from filling this blog).
many things happened during this 3 years.

now i'm a young doctor who has passed my bachelor degree as S.Ked and having my posting on some departments in the hospital to fulfill a requirement to be a general practitioner.

i would like to share an experience i got in 2015, this completing my life experience during my study.
this experience i got by passing the selection done in my hometown.
The selection given are based on administation (GPA,etc) and Interview.
What makes interesting is that the interview is done by the Director Board member of SGH. After doing those process, the result is announced on the same day. and alhamdulillah, i was chosen as 1 of 2 participant to get the opportunity being Observer in SGH (fully funded and facilitated by Lee Foundation). How thankful i am.
the program will be held 3 months after the selection, it run for 2 weeks. however, the preparation were quite complex, you need to make the CV, Bonafide letter, Fulfilling the form, Parents permission. Blood test especially screening for Hep.B/C/HIV. Vaccination of Hep, B, Hep. C and HIV/ADS as prevention (which cost expensive ones). i tries to fulfill as good as possible. finally... it's complete.

Department: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Period: November 9th – November 20th 2015

I’m really interested in obstetrics and gynecology since my pre-clinical year and I was really excited when I heard that I was chosen and able to participate the medical attachment program for two weeks in obstetrics and gynecology department of Singapore General Hospital. In here, I had learned so many new things and gained a lot of knowledge and memorable experience. These are my activities during the posting:
Day 1 (November 9th 2015):
The first day was going to the Associate Dean’s office at 09.00 am and went to obstetrics and gynecology department to make a report to the supervisor that has been arranged before. My supervisor is Dr. Renuka M.B.B.S M.D (O&G) DGO, MRCOG (UK) and the schedule of my two weeks posting has already been arranged.
After reporting and getting the schedule, I started my posting activity by attending the obstetrics and gynecology general outpatient clinic (Block 5 Level 1) at 10.00 am until 01.00 pm, since the CARE was not available for me to attend in. Therefore in outpatient clinic, I observed the doctor doing the anamnesis, physical examination, and also the treatment. Sometimes, the conversation of doctors-patients in Chinese, however, most of them speak English and the doctor used to give a chance to ask the questions after the patient leaving the examination room. It makes me easier to understand. Next, I had a lunch and continued following the cases audit presentation until 02.00 pm. Afterwards I came back to the clinic and did the activity until 06.00 pm.

Day 2 (November 10th 2015):
This is the public holiday. Hence, there is no activity in the hospital
Day 3 (November 11th 2015):
Today my activity started in OT (Operating Theater) 24, I observed two operations since 08.00 am in the morning (The first one is hysteroscopy, dilatation and curettage. The second is THBSO), it was very interesting surgery since I saw a great technic with sophisticated technology used which I have not seen before, it was great experience I had. At noon, I did observing the delivery patient in the Delivery Ward (Block 5 Level 2).
Day 4 (November 12th 2015):
Today my activities started in OT (Operating Theater) 25 and continue to attend the obstetrics and gynecology general outpatient clinic. Afterwards at 01.00 pm I attend the lecture in the Conference Room on Delivery Ward (Block 5 Level 2). At noon, I had an infection control online fulfilling, since the CARE was not available for me to attend in.
Day 5 (November 13th 2015):
Today my activity started in OT (Operating Theater) 24 and observed 6 surgeries done by the experts, such as total hysterectomy; laparotomy cystectomy; laparotomy myomectomy and laparotomy adhesiolysis cystectomy. Afterwards, at 02.30 pm I continue to attend the obstetrics and gynecology teaching in the Conference Room on Delivery Ward (Block 5 Level 2).
Day 6 (November 14th 2015): Holiday
Day 7 (November 15th 2015): Holiday

Day 8 (November 16th 2015):
Today’s morning, I follow the clinic with my supervisor, I do observing the cases, and I keep asking question anytime I do not understand, the supervisor answer me well. At noon, I attend the cases presentation in the conference room of labor ward (Block 5 Level). Then I go to see the patient in the emergency room, afterwards, I continue to wait in the labor ward and observe the delivery woman, it is a nulliparous normal delivery woman, it takes long time to observe, but it is worth.
Day 9 (November 17th 2015):
Morning activity is begun in the Ward 53, I followed my supervisor to check and observe the patient there. Then, I continue to become observer in the ambulatory surgery room, it is showed the use of hysteroscopy for solving the patients’ case. It is an interesting activity. At noon, I observe the general clinic with my supervisor as well.
Day 10 (November 18th 2015):
Today, in the morning I go to OT (operation theatre) 24 to be an observer of the surgeries. Two cases are hysterectomy and another one is hysteroscopy dilatation and curettage. At noon, I attend the teaching in the conference room of labor ward (Block 5 Level) with the medical students from NUS, it was paper case discussion Dr Yong Tze Tein MBBS, MRCOG (UK), FAMS.
Day 11 (November 19th 2015):
Last but not least day, in the morning I go to OT (operation theatre) 25 to be an observer of the surgeries. Two cases are mini laparotomy left oophorectomy-right salpingectomy, hysteroscopy polypectomy KIV bigatti, laparotomy myomectomy. At noon, I attend the case presentation about GBS and its management in the conference room of labor ward (Block 5 Level) with the doctors and nurses and the facilitator is Prof Tay Sun Kuie MBBS, FRCOG (UK), MD (Lond), FAMS, MAppLaw.
Day 12 (November 20th 2015):
Today is the last day of my posting, I do observe the clinic in the morning, I do discuss with the doctor on duty regarding the cases or some other things I do not understand yet, it is an interesting discussion, and the cases are also vary. I learn much today.
That's all my report during this program. Thanks to Lee Foundation, Singhealth Singapore, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pattimura Ambon, Our major and all staffs for letting me enroll this program. I really glad and feel lucky to be here. This will be one of the best experience in my life.



Picture 1. The Clinic activity; Left: A Photo Taken with the resident of OG, dr. Koh. Right: A Photo Taken with my Supervisor in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Dr. Renuka Devi Rajkumaralal, M.B.B.S M.D (O&G) DGO, MRCOG (UK)

Picture 2. The Operating Theatre; Right: A Photo Taken with the Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Prof Tan Hak Koon

Picture 3. The Obstetrics and Gynecology Centre and CARE

the words NO PAIN NO GAIN definitely TRUE, to achieve something, there must be anything to sacrifice with.

Selasa, 17 September 2013

saatnya seriuss seriuss seriuss ngeraih mimpi. urusan hatinya yok kesampingkan dlu nurfa. smangaaaaatttt ikhtiar lillaah...udahlah ya...cukup...galau itu gag usah lebay. nnti jg ada masanya... krn smua akan indah pada waktuny. insyaalloh

Kamis, 12 September 2013

The power of sholah, tilawah dan sedekah

Judul itu terinspirasi dari tausyiahnya ust. Yusuf mansur yg saya tonton di antv.

Manusia hidup bukan tanpa tujuan, bahkan ada istilah juga hidup berawal dari mimpi dan harap. Tapi sbnrnya yg sejati itu bagaimana kita bisa memaknai sholah..tilawah dan sedekah kita. Yg mana itu smua adalah ibadah kita tiap hari.

Bukan menggurui atau sok pintar. Malahan sambil nulis ini sambil menegur diri saya juga sudah sejauh apa kekuatan dibalik ibadah kita itu mampu menyelaraskan kehidupan saya.

Anyway...namanya jg belajar. Hidup belajar. Belajar nerima. Ikhlas. Memberi. Dll.

Kalau mau ditafakkurkan. Sebenarnya tanpa sadar saya harusnya bisa membaca hikmah tersirat yang seringkali Alloh kasih apalagi kalau lagi ada masalah lalu kita curhat. Suka tiba2 ada aja jalannya selagi kita yakin. Nah brarti hal bgni harua dipelihara bahkan ditingkatkan agar hidup bisa tenang sebesar apapun masalah dan sakitnya hati. The powee of sholah.

Ada lagi saya slalu teringat ucapan tman saya dari SD yang sempat saya suka jg. Dya pernah bilang bahwa sesakit apapun kita cobalah lihat amaliyah hriannya apakah sudah baik atau belum. Perbanyak tilawah. Nah! Itu terngiang terus diingatan saya..kalau 'alaa bidzikrillahi tathmainnul quluub.

Adapun shodaqoh... Ini yg harus dipacu trus smangatnya. Karema emang bner. Dibalik itu pasti ada jawaban dr Alloh apalagi klo lg ad masalah misal. Lagipula siapa yg tahu kapn kita mati. Jd mesti lbh rajin ni ngejaga dan ningkatin ibadah pada Alloh.

The power of sholah tilawah and shodaqoh pd akhirnya yaitu menenangkan hati, memudahkan dapat jalan dan jwbn tiap masalah, melatih dan menabung utk makin cinta Alloh dan utk bekal akhirat. Yg pasti jg wasilah utk mnggapai mimpi. Insyaalloh...
